It was really sunny this year so we were able to take a lot of pictures.
Unfortunetely I didnt had my siter with me because she was working but i'm glad I went because I talked with so many people and met others. There were people from Braga, Aveiro and Porto and there was a small compeition as well as a photography one.
I really need to thank my friends Lilax, Tânia and Rita for providing me with such wonderful memories. There was even a photographer from cosplayer Ezine^^
we had so much fun derping around and taking stupid picturesXD
And I need to learn how to make proper reports because they always turn out so boringXD
OMFG foi um dia tão único e maravilhoso *__*
ResponderExcluirpena que cheguei tarde, mas deu para me divertir tanto e aproveitar muito ^^
as fotos foram tão LOL
e esta última ...hahahaha um must \0/